An artist's life

FLORA: The Impermanence of Beauty

Thursdays, Fridays, Saturdays 1PM - 6PM.

Through March 11, 2023.

Tenth Street Gallery, 1655 10th Street, Sarasota, FL 34236 

See announcement card below for details.

I have ten floral paintings included in this group exhibition.


For Lucy's Art Lab Studio, IN-PERSON TEACHING and co-working, go to the link directly below.

 link > In-person Art Studio Lab.



Open Studios: my studio is open this coming Saturday January 14 from 11am - 2pm (I'm closing an hour early).

I'll be working on a landscape painting, a different one from last month. 

1328 Central Avenue, Sarasota, FL 34236. Click on address for map.  

See additional details below: 


For Lucy's Art Lab Studio, in-person teaching and co-working, go to the link directly below.

 link > In-person Art Lab Studio.


 Painting in the rain under cover. 

 Audio Transcript: 

It feels like there are four highways in my life right now that are converging, squeezing into one, that’s what it feels like!  There’s a lot of stuff going on.

There's my new working life… I've taken on a part-time job…

there's my studio life; I have an open studio next Saturday january 14th, and I will be there for a few hours. all are welcome it's free to the public; 

and then I have my exhibiting life in a highly anticipated show especially for me, called Flora the impermanence of beauty at the 10th St. gallery here in Sarasota. I’ll be showing ten paintings. The opening reception is this Saturday, 14 January from 4 PM to 8 PM. I will be at the reception from 5 PM to 7:30 PM 

I'm super excited about the show, I highly respect and admire what the Director and curator are doing, I think they're doing a fantastic job and I encourage you to support this gallery by going to their shows and openings and learning about the art that’s being shown there, and engaging with them. they're really great people — I would love to see you at the opening on the 14th! 

Then the fourth highway is my teaching life — in February I am teaching a three day landscape painting workshop and this time it's plein air painting outdoors. — super excited about this workshop and I can't wait for it.

this is where the rubber meets the road of landscape painting,  and it is a lot of fun to paint outdoors.  It’s for all levels of experience from experienced beginners to more experienced painters, using oils or acrylics. I hope you consider it and sign up.

So, below you will find all the details with links, for these goings-on. feel free to reach out to me if you have any questions, I'd love to hear from you; I would love to see you at one or more of these events! thanks and have a wonderful day. 


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...about art, events, and teaching Ā 
fromĀ Lucy Barber Art Studio.

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