Claude Monet and Open Studio

OPEN STUDIO Saturday December 10, 11am - 3 pm. 

(click address > for map BELOW))

1328 Central Avenue (enter 1330 Central thru front doors!) Sarasota FL 34236 

work in progress detail below:


CLAUDE MONET modulating warms and cool colors in his paintings...

Video Transcript

Hello Lucy here for a very quick comment on two things. I want to talk a little bit about color and the artist Claude Monet. And also want to mention that I have an open studio coming up this Saturday.

Usually I have the time for advance notice about the open studios but this time I didn't because I had a painting workshop weekend. The open studio Will be very casual, I will be doing a demonstration painting. My aim is to finish a painting I started around 2018. Below is a cropped detail of the work in progress. I’m really looking forward to a stretch of time where I can work on it. Feel free to stop by and check in and see what I'm up to. Hours and details are below.

The second thing I wanted to mention very quickly — I've been thinking about one of the contrasts of color, and that would be contrast of warm and cool color. If you don't know already Color is something I'm very passionate about. I’m talking about color everywhere, all the time in my life day to day and in everything I do; though especially passionate about it as it pertains to art and art making, paintings and mixing paint. While thinking of this one of the first artists that came to mind was Claude Monet.

When Monet and the other Impressionists started painting outdoors their interest was to capture in their plein air paintings the effects of color that occur during different times of day. There are several ways this can be approached through the contrasts of color, and of these the Impressionists focused on warm and cool contrasts. Monet made intensive studies of seasons, times of day and atmosphere. 

The level of achievement in capturing these effects is through the play of modulations of cool and warm colors. I've included a few images of Monet’s work below, enjoy!

That's it for today. Enjoy the Monet images. And don’t forget for you who are nearby I’ll be doing a painting demo at Saturday’s open studio with the aim of getting a lot done! 



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