
Justified+Ancient  - a group exhibition 

Free and open to the public November 1 - 17, 2022.

Mara Gallery -- 1421 5th Street, Sarasota, FL 34236 www.marastudiogallery.com

Hours: Tuesdays - Fridays 10am - 2:30 pm. 

Stop by to see this beautiful, inspired show, including works by 16 selected artists.

Garden, Lucy Barber’s painting, is in this group exhibition. Inspired by a Greek Lekythos artifact (Attic, 480 BC) attributed to the Bowdoin painter, Lucy places the object in a garden. A mourning dove has built a nest atop the lekythos. The winged goddess, Nike, is drawn on one side of the actual artifact; she is holding a lekythos in one hand and a cup in the other. The artifact was most likely used for utilitarian purposes to hold wine, oil or perfume. The artifact is about nine inches tall. The character of the line drawing on the artifact is particularly sensitive.

The artifact and the painting are paired and meant to view together! Don't miss the chance to see this for 16 different artists' paintings. 



 OPEN STUDIO on Saturday, November 12,

11am - 3pm   keep an eye out for news of it! 


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